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Proposed Output:  ISA Recommendation


Technical requirements on UVA LED module for photocatalytic technology


Goals: please outline goals for the proposed project.

This document specifies technical requirements and test methods for UVA LED modules for photocatalysis.

Committee or Subcommittee: please list at least three proposed committee or subcommittee members, complete with contact information.

1.       Guangdong YUE Puritech Technology co.,ltd. (Working Group Leader)

Contact: Mr. Hao Zhang E-mail:

2.       LatticePower (Jiangxi) Corporation.

Contact: Mr. Yi FU E-mail:

3.       Lumigro

Contact: Mr.Hong XU  E-mail:

4.       Wuxi Huazhaohong Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr.Kai SHEN  E-mail:

5.       Leedarson

Contact: Mr.Yousan CHEN  E-mail:

6.       Everfine

Contact: Ms.Qian LI  E-mail:

7.       Shanghai Institute of Technology

Contact: Mr.Yuefeng LI  E-mail:

8.       LEDIA lighting

Contact: Mr.Henan LV E-mail:

9.       Nationstar

Contact: Mr.Yikai YUAN E-mail:

10.   Honglitronic

Contact: Mr.Tiangang LV E-mail:

11.   BYTECH

Contact: Mr.Qian WU E-mail:


Timeline: please list approximate dates of completion:

Initial outline: See Appendix.

Initial draft for TCS Chair review: Submit it in six months since the proposal approved.

Draft for TCS member review and comment: Submit it in two months since the amendments of draft proposed and reviewed by chairman.

Committee or Subcommittee final draft: Submit it in one months since the amendments of draft reviewed by TCS member.

Publication: Publish it in one month after passing the voting procedure of ISA TCS.


1. Background

2. The existing standards are not perfect

3. Overview of the content

4. Relevant standards


Appendix 1                           



Application Overview

The Photocatalysis of semiconductive materials convert the photon energy to chemical energy semiconductor materials can induce oxidation-reduction reaction under the action of light.

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is one of the most widely used semiconductor catalysts. It has a suitable semiconductor band gap (about 3.0 eV, can be activated with a light source below 385 nm), high photocatalytic efficiency, good chemical stability, low price, non-toxic and the advantages of easy availability of raw materials are widely used in air purification, water purification, wastewater treatment, antibacterial materials and other fields.

The UVA light source used in traditional photocatalysis is mercury ultraviolet light source, which has disadvantages such as low photoelectric efficiency, high energy consumption, short life span, and large environmental pollution. It needs a new type of light source to replace it.


The existing standards are not applicable to UV LED light source

ISO 10677 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics,advanced technical ceramics) —Ultraviolet light source for testing semiconducting photocatalytic materials

GB/T 30809-2014 UV light sources for testing properties of photocatalytic materials (Chinese)

JIS R1709 Light source for test of photocatalytic materials used under ultraviolet (Japanese)

The existing standards of photocatalytic light source are all based on mercury ultraviolet light sourcenot LED.

The standardization work shall be launched to guide research institutions and manufacturers on how to use the new UVA LED light source technology in photocatalysis technology

It is hoped that with the formulation of standards, the integration of the two technical fields of solid state lighting and photocatalysis will be promoted, while guiding the healthy development of emerging market applications and the industry.



Existing UV LED standards are unsound

At this stage, there is no published reference or standard for UV LED testing.


Appendix 2

The necessity to develop the standard

With the continuous development of social economy and the continuous deepening of industrialization, energy development and utilization have adverse effects on the environment.

The pollution of water and air by pesticides, dyes, chemicals, etc. more and more environmental pollution problems are appearing frequently throughout the world.

Global environmental problems have long been a realistic and strategic problem that needs to be solved urgently, some traditional treatment methods can not effectively solve this kind of environmental pollution problem. Therefore, many new environmental pollution treatment technologies have been developed to solve environmental pollution problems. Photocatalytic technology is a more prominent environmental pollution treatment technology.

Photocatalytic technology can effectively degrade those pollutants and can be applied in environmental treatment fields such as sterilization and disinfection, air purification, odor removal, and water purification. At the same time, photocatalytic technology has great potential in clean energy industry such as organic synthesis and hydrogen production.



Appendix 3

Overview of content



1  Scope

2  Normative references

3  Terms and definitions    

4  Technical requirements

4.1 General requirements

4.2 Safety performance

4.3 Photobiological safety

4.4 Electrical characteristics

4.5 Optical characteristics

4.6 Protection performance

4.7 Reliability

4.8 Electromagnetic compatibility

4.9 Electrostatic protection performance (ESD)

4.10 Limits of hazardous substances

5  Test method

5.1 Test conditions 

5.2 General requirements

5.3 Safety performance

5.4 Photobiological safety

5.5 Electrical characteristics

5.6 Optical characteristics

5.7 Protection performance

 5.8  Reliability

 5.9  Electromagnetic compatibility

 5.10 Electrostatic protection performance (ESD)

 5.11 Limits of hazardous substances



Appendix 4

Relevant standards

1.         ISO 10677 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics,advanced technical ceramics) —Ultraviolet light source for testing semiconducting photocatalytic materials

2.         GB/T 30809-2014 UV light sources for testing properties of photocatalytic materials

3.         JIS R1709 Light source for test of photocatalytic materials used under ultraviolet