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Proposed title of publication:

Test method for performance of flexible light source in optical medical equipment

Proposed publication type:  (ISA Recommendation or ISA Technical Report)


Proposed WG leader: (name, affiliation, e-mail address, country)

        Zhu Yingguang, Gu'an Yiguang Technology Co., Ltd,, China

Initial WG members: (Name, affiliation, email-address, country (include members from at least three countries))

1. Xin Sun, China Solid-State Lighting Alliance,, CN

2. Dr. Anton Chernyakov,Senior Researcher, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center of RAS (SHM R&E Center),, Russia

3. Mr. Thebano Santos, General Coordinator of MCTI,, Brazil

4. Prof. Isac Roizenblatt, Technical Director of Abilux,, Brazil

Problem Statement:( in a sentence or two, please summarize the problem and the needs to be addressed.)

Optical therapy and optical health care equipment are developing rapidly towards lightness and miniaturization, and will be portable and wearable in the future. Therefore flexible light source has become the first choice, but there is no relevant performance test standard. The proposal aims to formulate relevant standards to better guide research institutions, enterprises and users to carry out the performance evaluation of flexible light sources conveniently and uniformly, and give better play to the advantages of flexible light sources in bending, fit and uniformity, so as to promote the benign development of optical therapy and optical health care industry.


Goals: (please outline goals for the proposed project and provide brief outline of proposed document.)

Standardize the testing of flexible light source used in optical therapy and optical health care, so as to promote the benign development of optical therapy and optical health care industry.

Not Redundant Statement:  (Check and report that the proposed work is not covered already by standards or publications already published or being developed by other international organizations.)

The proposed work is not covered already by standards or publications already published or being developed by other international organizations.


Timeline: (approximate dates of completion of WG draft (maximum x years))

Initial outline:

Initial draft for TCS Chair review: Submit it in 6 months since the proposal approved.

Draft for TCS member review and comment: Submit it in 2 months since the amendments of draft proposed and reviewed by chairman.

Committee or Subcommittee final draft: Submit it in 1 months since the amendments of draft reviewed by TCS member.

Publication: Publish it in one month after passing the voting procedure of ISA TCS.