Technical Specification on Life Cycle Cost Analysis for LED Lighting Products
Problem Statement:
High power white LED light products are widely adopted in the world replacing traditional lighting sources, however there are no relevant international standards to evaluate and analyze the economical aspect of the lifecycle of lighting products. This proposal intends to carry out research on the formulation of relevant standards to address the life cycle costing analysis of LED lighting products.
This document specifies procedure and technical requirements to analyze the life cycle cost of for LED Lighting products.
WG Members:
1. Jiajie Fan, Fudan University, China Email: WG Leader
2. Mesfin Seid Ibrahim, Wollo University, Ethiopia
3. Winco K.C Yung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
4. Irena Fryc, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
5. Cheng Qian, Beihang University, China
Initial outline: See Appendix.
Initial draft for TCS Chair review: Submit it in six months since the proposal approved.
Draft for TCS member review and comment: Submit it in two months since the amendments of draft proposed and reviewed by chairman.
Committee or Subcommittee final draft: Submit it in one months since the amendments of draft reviewed by TCS member.
Publication: Publish it in one month after passing the voting procedure of ISA TCS.