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    The “2016 ISA-India International SSL Workshops” had been held by ISA on October 7th, 2016 in New Delhi, India, supported by ELCOMA, during the “Light India 2016” exhibition.
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    The delegation of the Secretariat of International SSL Alliance (ISA), taking the advantage of organizing ISA TCS9, visited the Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications &Information Technology (DEITY), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) of India on May 13, 2016, and discussed with the governmental officials on the future cooperation between ISA and the relevant organizations of India.
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    Global Lighting Challenge (GLC) Side Event was held on June 6th, 2017, at China National Conference Center, Beijing, China, which was co-organized by the GLC Working Group (GLC WG) and International SSL Alliance (ISA), as a Side Event of the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) and Second Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-2).
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    At the invitation of Vietnam Lighting Association (VLA), the delegation of International SSL Alliance (ISA) Secretariat visited VLA, and Rang Dong Light Source and Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company of Vietnam (RD Company) on April 20-22, 2017, and attended the annual meeting of VLA.
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    On 14 of January during the”24th International Exhibition of Chandeliers & Decorative lightings” at Teheran of Iran the Secretariat visited the headquarter of Iranian Lighting Manufacturers Association (ILMA) .
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    One of the twelve forums of the second ‘the Belt and Road’ Forum for International Cooperation, ‘Green Road’ forum was held at the Beijing National Convention Center in the afternoon of April 25th, 2019.
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    The delegation of ISA visited Energy the Renewable and Electronic Technology Research Center, Department of Research and innovation, Ministry of Education of Myanmar from March 13th -15th ,2019.
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    On May 16th and 17th of 2019, the Secretariat of ISA organized the participants of TCS15 to visit Malaysian Companies and Institutes
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    At the invitation of National Silicon LED Engineering Research Center of Nanchang University, the Secretariat of International SSL Alliance (ISA) visited this center on April 2nd, 2018, and had a meeting with Prof. Fengyi Jiang, the vice-chancellor of Nanchang University and the director of this center and Dr. Guangxu Wang, the deputy director of this center.
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    At the invitation of Vietnam Lighting Association (VLA), the delegation of ISA Secretariat visited VLA and Rang Dong Company of Vietnam from 3-7 July 2018.
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    According to the request of ISA members and some Chinese solid state lighting (SSL) enterprises, China-Malaysia SSL Industry Dialogue was held in Xiamen, China on August 29th, 2019.