The 5th Meeting of BRICS SSL Collaboration Working Group (BRICS SSL WG) was held on August 27th -31st, 2018 in Xiamen, China. The Meeting take the pattern of 4th Meeting with BRICS+. Namely the representatives from BRICS countries and representatives from observer countries. 8 delegates from Ministry of Science and Technology, Research Institute, and SSL Associations of BRICS countries and 7 delegates from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Belarus as observers participated this meeting.
The opening ceremony
The opening ceremony and presentations of the BRICS SSL WG was held on August 27th, at Xiamen G-Lighting (ISA Xiamen Center) at Xiamen, China.
Mr. Ruisheng Yue the Co-Secretariat of International SSL Alliance (ISA) and the head of the Secretariat of BRICS SSL WG as the Moderator of the Meeting. He regretted to report the Meeting that the representative of China Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) due to an unexpected reason was not able to present in person to deliver a speech. The representative then asked Mr. Yue to read out his opening remarks.
Mr. Weimin Cao the Deputy Director of Science and Technology Bureau of Xiamen City delivered a welcome statement on behalf of local government.
Totally about 40 governmental officials, experts, CEOs and R&D staffs attended this meeting.
The presentations the BRICS SSL WG and the Observers
11 delegates from BRICS countries gave presentations on the SSL industry development and market new trends, the policies of SSL development, SSL industry strategies and cooperation, etc. in their respective country.
(1) “Current Situation of SSL in Brazil” by Mr. Georges Blum President Executive,
Brazilian Association of the Lighting Products Importers (ABILUMI)
(2) “New Approaches in Testing of LED ”Dr. Anton Chernyakov Researcher, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center of RAS (SHM R&E Center)
(3) “SSL industry development and new market trends in Russia”Dr. Alexander Karev Technical Director, IGK Lighting Technologies, representative of LEDs and LED-based Systems Russian Manufacturer's Nonprofit partnership (NPRPSS)
(4) " EESL’s Initiatives on Scaling up Energy Efficiency -Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for all (UJALA) Street Light National Program (SLNP) "Mr. Rahul Sharma Deputy Manager (Technical) , EESL India
(5) “Energy Efficiency Program in India”Ms. Nikita Gupta Senior Manager, Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association of India (ELCOMA)
(6) “The Development of China Solid State Lighting Industry and Standardization”
Ms. Jie Xu Government Relations Director, China SSL Alliance
(7) “South African SSL Industry Developments and Updates” Mr. Bjorn Smidt-Hardt Senior Manager, Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa (IESSA)
(8) “Smart lighting market and outstanding lighting demand in Vietnam” Mr. Nguyen Doan Thang Vice President, Vietnam Lighting Association
(9) “Thailand’s LED Market, Problems and Challenges” Dr. Thavatchai Tayjasanant Professor, Illuminating Engineering Association of Thailand
(10) “Development of SSL industry in the Republic of Belarus” Dr. Yuri Trofimov, Director, Center of LED and Optoelectronic Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
(11) “Industry Development Trend and Market Outlook of Semiconductor and SSL in Malaysia ” Mr. Jaffri Ibrahim CEO, Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(CREST), Malaysia
Q/A discussions followed by each presentation.
The Workshop on Innovation and Application in LED Horticulture Lighting
The Workshop was held at Fujian Sanan Sino-Science Photobiotech Co., Ltd. (SANANBIO) in Anxi County of Xiamen.
Dr. Jing Li, Senior Engineer, the Research Institute of Photobiotech industry, Sanan Sino-Science Photobiotech Co., Ltd. and Assistant Researcher, the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences delivered her welcome remarks and made a presentation of “R & D of LED on Plant Factory Industry in Sanan Sino-Science”. Which included the wide application of LED in Photobiology industry, market and development of LED grow luminaire, photosynthesis and phenotype difference at different light, Light recipe for leaf vegetables, light recipes for plant tissue culture, high efficient LED spectrum technology, specific spectra for different plants and different growth stages, hi-power plant light series, Self-developed kinds of dedicated hydroponic nutrient solutions, state of the art of automated vertical farming, largest commercial plant factory under artificial lighting (PFAL), The first PFAL on desert city (7,000 m2, Las Vegas, USA), first organic production of Chinese medicinal plants in PFAL etc.
The delegates then were invited to have a site visit in this factory which included Sowing/Germination, Display of botanic growth in different time intervals, breeding acceleration, robot transportation, automated vertical farming system, etc.
The Workshop on Smart Home and Smart Lighting
This workshop was held in the morning of August 29th at the conference room of Xiamen Gopro Lighting Tech. Co. LTD.
Ms. Ruimei Lin, the President of Gopro extended a warm welcome to the delegates. She pointed out that organizing this meeting was very forward-looking. Currently, intelligent technology has been promoted into every aspect of life and changed traditional manufacturing and service industries and changed every scene of human life, such as education and medical care. Gopro had some technological reserve and marketing in lighting-IOT, smart health care and smart home. And she was looking forward to carry out in-depth cooperation with BRICS countries.
Mr. David Xiao Director on Marketing & Product made a presentation of “Smart Home and Smart Lighting” –Intelligent Lighting Application” which included design, evaluation, solution, market share analysis, Smart lighting communication technologies, Quality Control System, products map. etc.
The delegates then were invited to visit Gopro Show Room to have a kind of feeling and taste on the newly developed products and luminous environment. The health-recovery hut with automatic bed for unable aged person and luminous circumstance attracted a lot of interests of the delegates.
The Workshop on LED Lighting Innovation and Trends
This workshop was held in the morning of August 30th at the conference room of Xiamen G-Lighting Co. LTD
Dr. Kaixuan Chen, the Technical Director of Xiamen Changelight Co., Ltd. made a presentation of “The Development Trend and Technical Challenges of LEDs for Applications Beyond Illumination”
Mr. Hong Xu, the CEO and CTO of Xiamen Tonghuo Tech made a presentation of “Bionic Lighting System Innovation & Application”
Prof. Jiajie Fan, Hohai University, China made a presentation of “Accelerated Life Cycle Modeling and Reliability Assessment for LED Lamps based on Fusion Prognostic Approaches”
Dr. Yang (Crane) on behalf of the Secretariat of BRICS SSL WG reported the meeting on the working progress since 4th Meeting in Hangzhou last June.
Summary of the Output
(1) The Secretariat would coordinate relevant Chinese organizations with Russia Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research & Engineering Center, RAS and Brazil /South Africa counterparts to apply the ”Joint Call” project.
(2) Russia Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research & Engineering Center, RAS would continue cooperation with its Chinese counterpart on applying the R&D project from China Ministry of S&T.
(3) Brazil Abilumi would closely cooperate with the Secretariat on the issue of enhance the quality of imported SSL products to Brazil.
(4) The Secretariat would consult the ISA members on their willingness to participate the India “Lighting Fair” which would be held in New Delhi early October, 2018. And keep close communication with the ELCOMA
(5) The Secretariat would mobilize its member to participate in the Smart City/Smart lighting
(6) The Secretariat would closely cooperate with Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology (CREST), Malaysia to explore the possibility to have the 15th Meeting of ISA TCS held in Malaysia with the support of CREST.
(7) The Secretariat would redesign the logo of BRICS SSL WG according to the guidance of this meeting
The 5th Meeting of BRICS SSL Collaboration Working Group was adjourn in the afternoon of June 31st in the City of Xiamen, China