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Visiting DEITY, BIS, BEE and ELCOMA of India New Delhi, India
Release time: Dec 30, 2022

The delegation of the Secretariat of International SSL Alliance (ISA), taking the advantage of organizing ISA TCS9, visited the Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communications &Information Technology (DEITY), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) of India on May 13, 2016, and discussed with the governmental officials on the future cooperation between ISA and the relevant organizations of India.


1. Visit DEITY

The Delegation had a meeting with Dr. Ajay Kumar, Additional Secretary of DEITY, and Mr. Meenakshi Rai Bhatia, Joint Director of DEITY, responsible for the development of SSL. Dr. Ajay Kumar said they welcome ISA introduce more partners including Chinese SSL industry to develop and invest in India, and they are willing to provide help and support.




2. Visit BIS

The Delegation had a meeting with Mr. Debdas Goswami, Head of Electronical Department of BIS, scientist-F and his assistant. Mr. Goswami, expressed his willingness to cooperate with ISA on bring in the Recommendations of ISA TCS, particularly the Accelerating Depreciation Test Method for LED Lighting. Which he believed would be a shortcut on helping the current SSL standards wanting in India. Both sides had a detailed discussion on the procedures on how to realize such a transfer as well as make the TCS Recommendation fit the Indian natural circumstances.




3. Visit BEE

The Delegation had a meeting with Dr. Saurabh Diddi, Energy Economist and his assistant, Mr. Deepshikha Wadhwa, Project Engineer. Dr. Diddi agreed the analysis of the delegation on that the development of SSL standards couldn’t keep up with the industrial development and the market demand. BEE is open to all kinds of cooperation, and is willing to sign memorandums on the cooperation that attracted both two sides. Dr. Diddi highly commended the work and achievements of ISA and hoped to enhance the cooperation between BEE and ISA.




4. Visit ELCOMA

The Delegation joint by ISA TCS Chair Mr. Alex Baker, had a visit to the headquarters of Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers Association (ELCOMA) on May 11, 2016, and had a meeting with Mr. Shyam Sujan, the Secretary-General of ELCOMA and his assistant, Ms. Nikita Gupta, responsible for international cooperation.


The two sides had a detailed discussion on the cooperation of 2016, and reached the following agreement:


1) Hold ISA TCS 9 in India with the support of ELCOMA;

2) Organize two ISA-ELCOMA training symposiums on Oct. 7, 2016 during India Lighting Fair (once every two years). One is “Poultry Intelligent Special LED Lighting” and the other is “Lighting Design Expert System” and “Smart Lighting System”. It is estimated that 100-150 audience for each training symposium;

3) Organize an Indian Session on Nov. 15-17, 2016 during ISA Annual Events.


The Delegation express its appreciation to Mr. Shyam and ELCOMA on its support to the TCS9 which was held on 12 of May and the hospitality extended to the delegation for arranging the series of official visits.

