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The Report of ISA General Assembly 2022
Release time: Dec 08, 2022

The ISA General Assembly 2022 was held in the form of webinar on Nov. 3, 2022 at 18:00 (Beijing time). More than 100 ISA members and non-members representatives from more than 10 countries attended the meeting.


The meeting was moderated by Prof. Robert F. Karlicek, Jr., Member of ISA Council of Management, Professor of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, Director, Center for Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (LESA), Co-Director, Institute for Energy, Built Environment and Smart Systems (EBESS) , Chairman of ISA-ECC Smart Street Lighting System Specialized Committee and Prof. Warren Julian, member of ISA Council of Management, Emeritus Professor of University of Sydney.


Dr. Jianlin Cao, President of ISA delivered his welcome address.


Section one: Working Reports

1. The Report of the 14th ISA Executive Member Meeting (EMM14)

Mr. Carlos Lee, Member of ISA Council of Management (COM), Director General of European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) was commissioned by the EMM 14 to deliver the report.


1.1 The 14th ISA Executive Member Meeting was held on Nov. 1, 2022 in the form of webinar. Dr. Jianlin Cao, 5 members of ISA COM, 6 members of ISA BOA and staff of ISA Secretariat attended the meeting.

1.2 The EMM14 adopted the following resolutions:

1.2.1 Confirm the 4th tenure of the members of ISA COM (Jan. 2022 – Dec. 2024)

1.2.2 Decided to expand the scope of ISA in the future, such as including Laser, micro-electronics, wide-band semiconductor etc., that somehow related SSL into ISA business scope.  

1.2.3 Agreed to hold the three meetings below:

- “ISA Global Annual LiFi Conference” (February 16-17, 2023)

- ISA - EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Light Therapy Applications (February 28, 2023)

- “ISA-EPIC online Technology Meeting on Mini/Micro LED” (July 4th, 2023)

1.2.4 Accepted 3 New Members of ISA:

- UL (China) Holding Co., Ltd.

- China Tower Co., LTD. Zhejiang Branch;

- Guangdong Zhongmin Industrial Technology Innovation Research Institute Co., Ltd.

1.2.5 Decided ISA to prepare and release ISA Newsletter quarterly from 2023.

1.2.6 Decided to change the name of ISA Award from “Global SSL Award of Industry Development Outstanding Contribution” (IDOC) to “Global SSL Award for Outstanding Industry Development” (AOID).

1.2.7 Welcome ISA Secretariat to rebuilt ISA official website. The official website of ISA ( was being rebuilt and it was going to be back fresh and more functional. The new website would be accomplished at the end of November. Welcome ISA members to review andcomments.

1.2.8 Accepted the Plan of 2022.

2. ISA TCS Working Report 2022

Dr. Yoshi Ohno, Member of ISA Board of Advisors, Past President of CIE, Chairman of ISA TCS made a working report of the Technical Committee on Standardization, including one TCS meetings, the cooperation with other international standardization organizations (ISO and CIE), as well as seeking suggestions and voting on ISA Recommendations and future work plan. The meeting of TCS22 would be held on Nov. 30, 2022.


3. ISA Working Report 2021

The Co-Secretary General of ISA, presented ISA 2022 Annual Report which including:

3.1 The work of ISA TCS.

3.2 Published the 2022 Global SSL Special Report “Advances in Solar-like and Functional Lighting Technologies”.

3.3 Organized the 9th Meeting of BRICS SSL Collaboration Working Group.

3.4 Organized the three ISA Global SSL Awards i.e. Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievements (AOA) (2022), “Global SSL Award of Industry Development Outstanding Contribution” (IDOC) (2022) and the “Global SSL Award of Innovations Top100” (Innovations TOP100) (2022).

3.5 The work of the ISA LiFi Committee.

3.6 The work of the ISA Micro LED Committee.

3.7 The work of the ISA LED Disease Control Working Group

3.8 ISA organized conferences in conjunction with other organizations in 2022

3.9 The confirmation of 4th tenure of the members of ISA Council of Management

3.10 ISA new members of 2022

3.11 ISA New Website

3.12 The Plan of 2023

Section two: SSL Development

This section was moderated by Prof. Robert Karlicek.

1. Prof. Harald Haas, Chairman of Mobile Communications Research Committee, University of Strathclyde, UK, Director of LiFi Research and Development Centre (LRDC), Founder and Chief Scientist of PureLiFi, Chairman of ISA LiFi Committee, Member of ISA Board of Advisors made a presentation on “Global LiFi development and application”.


2. Prof. Qun Frank YAN, Treasurer, Society for Information Display (SID), Director, SID Beijing Chapter, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Distinguished Professor, Fuzhou University, China, Chairman of ISA Micro-LED Committee, Member of ISA Board of Advisors made a presentation on “Micro-LED Development and its Future trends”.


3. Prof. Robert Karlicek made a presentation on “Lighting could be Much Smarter”.


4. Mr. Shengliang (Daniel) Rong, Senior Director of Delos in Building Science Delos Labs, USA made a presentation on “The Product Mark based on WELL and its Application on LED Products”.


5. Dr. Norman Bardsley, Advisor of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SSL WG, CEO of Bardsley Consulting, ISA Chief Analyst made a presentation on “Global SSL Industry Development and Market Trends”.


Section three: ISA Award Ceremony

Prof. Warren Julian, Emeritus Professor of University of Sydney, Australia Member of ISA Council of Management moderated this session and announced the winners of three Awards: Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievements (AOA), Global SSL Award of Industry Development Outstanding Contribution (IDOC) and Global SSL Award of Innovations Top100 (Innovations TOP100).

The winner of AOA was UNEP-U4E.

The representative of U4E, Mr. Patrick Blake gave the award acceptance speech.

The 5 winners of IDOC were Mr. David Lacey (UK), Mr. Qinghuan SUN, Prof. Luoxi Hao, Mr. Nguyen Doan Thang (Vietnam), Mad. Ruimei Lin.

Each winner of IDOC gave the award acceptance speeches.

The 16 winners of Innovations TOP100 were SYMPHO®Street Smart Street Central Management System, GaN-on-Si Mini LED Blue & Green Chip, and The Antarctic Health Cabin, etc.

The physical Award Ceremony of AOA and Innovations TOP100 would be held during the SSL CHINA 2022 in Suzhou, China. The date was to be announced.

For details of the three ISA Global SSL Awards, please find the special reports in ISA website.

Dr. Jianlin Cao, President of ISA, concluded the ISA GA 2022 with the following remarks. He said according to  Dr. Norman, Advisor of the U.S. DOE SSL WG, had just talked that there were a lot of spaces for SSL development in the areas of  Micro/Mini LED, LiFi and other technologies. Which reminded us that a lot of work ahead of us to be done. He was happy to see Mr. Nguyen Doan Thang from Vietnam had been one of the winners received the ISA IDOC.  He mentioned that an old Chinese ancient poetry said that as the time went by even novel things could be enjoyed by the ordinary people. This poetry could be used vividly describing the popularization of high technology today. He believed that with our common efforts and as the technology development these SSL achievements could be more rapidly to go to every corner of the world. He regrated again that the ISA members were not able to meet on site because of the pandemic and hope that day would come soon. He expressed his appreciation to every participant and the companies, organizations their represented and wish them stay health and all the best.  

He finally expressed his gratitude to Prof. Robert F. Karlicek, Jr. for his excellent chairing today’s meeting as well as the preparation of the ISA Secretariat.

With the announcement of Prof. Robert F. Karlicek, Jr. the ISA General Assembly 2022 was formally closed at 21:40, Nov. 3, 2022 Beijing time. 

(The PPTs of the 5 speakers will be uploaded on the ISA website and ISA members could download them. For more details of the ISA GA 2022, Please contact the Secretariat by Ms. Zhao Jin, )