Smart City and Smart Lighting Forum
Smart City and Smart Lighting Forum was held on Nov. 2 at Hilton Beijing Capital Airport, in Beijing, China, with about150 participants.
The forum was hosted by International SSL Alliance (ISA) and China SSL Alliance (CSA), and supported by Edge Computing Consortium (ECC), Unilumin, LEDVANCE, PCcooler, Xiamen Fcreate Energy Technology, PHILIPS, SANSI, MS Technology etc.
Mr. Guoqing Tang, moderated the forum.
Dr. Jianlin Cao, the president of ISA, the former vice minister of Ministry of Science and Technology of China, delivered the welcome address.
He said that speaking from the logic of technology development the smart city would be a fairly long historical development process, which limited by two constraints that one was technology progress such as low cost communication technologies and the other was two kinds of resource: financial resource and organizational resource. We needed to overcome the information isolated island. All of us should willing to share its data with other stakeholders and then the continuous effects of N + 1 + N could be produced.
He introduced that the SSL street lights had been developed rapidly over the years and more and more people had realized its importance. The street lights could serve as a resource of multiple utilizations. More and more functions had been put on the light pole such as collecting security information, environmental date, WiFi, advertising and electrical charging etc. It could be a data terminal and data source with the functions of collecting and publishing relevant data. The light pole as the development of smart lighting would become a valuable resource. This change just like what we experienced on mobile phone which used to be a tool of conversation while now had been a multi-application such as reading, shopping, entertainment, live, photography and so on.
He finally emphasized that the real measure of multidisciplinary fusion was the combination among the strongest. It was however very hard to realize it. Our only advantage was better organization and making the combination of the strong hands in lighting and ICT industry. I am confident that in the new era we should have such an encouragement and target to make it.
Prof. Robert Karlicek, Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, RPI, Director, Center for Lighting Enabled Systems & Applications (LESA), Chairman of ISA-ECC Smart Street Lighting System Committee, made a report on “Smart Lighting: Lighting New Era”.
He shared the research achievements about smart lighting, from a unique perspective, including color lighting, mapping, sensors, VLC, and its application in cities. He said, smart lighting was not controlling its light and regulating its darkness by using the phone, nor the technology of communication, it is the invisible light to participate in lighting.
Mr. Yongfeng CAI, senior expert of ECC Secretariat, presented “Edge Computing: Combination with Smart Lighting”. He introduced the edge calculation and shared the thinking about the combination of edge calculation and smart lighting.
Dr. Feng HUANG, senior expert of PHILIPS lighting standards and regulation, presented "Some thoughts on Smart Lighting”. He introduced the development and changes of smart lighting interconnection, and shared the thinking about smart lighting business and the problem of stand-by power consumption of LED lighting.
Mr. Xiaobing CAO, vice president of I Soft Stone, presented “The Entry Point of Smart City: Smart Street Lighting”. He introduced the current development status and development stage of Chinese smart city, and shares the thinking about the development and application of smart street lamps.
Mr. Rongli WANG, Vice President of Unilumin, presented “The Exploration and Outlook: Smart Lighting Demonstration”. He shared the exploration and prospect of smart lighting development
Mr. Teng GAO, president of Fuzhou IOT Open Laboratory, presented “Key technologies of NB-IoT in lighting applications”. He introduced the solution of urban smart lighting application control system and the thinking about the possibility of smart lighting business model.
Dr. Norman Bardsley, ISA chief analyst, presented “Global Smart Lighting Market and Trends”. He brought about different angle of thinking about the function and value of smart lighting.
Mr. Richard ZHANG, CTO of China IoT, Intel, presented “Connect people, machines and systems to create a smarter world”. He shared Intel's understanding and thinking about the Internet of things.
Dr. Yuxi JIANG, vice chief engineer of SANSI, presented “Smart streetlights build smart city”. He shared the understanding of smart streetlights, and smart streetlights & IoT & AI concepts, as well as the practical exploration of smart lighting.
Dr. Yaodong TAO, Director of National Laboratory of Industrial Control System Security and 360 Industry Security, presented “Cyber Security in Smart City and Smart Lighting”. He shared the potential security challenges and Suggestions for smart street lighting.
Dr. Ke ZHANG, Director of Osram Business Development & Government Affairs, presented “Osram today and going forward in digitalization new world”. He shared the future development strategy of Osram and the practice of Osram in the field of smart city.
Dr. Hongwei SONG, professor of Zhejiang University, president of Zhejiang Fonda Technology, presented “Smart Lighting, Gateway to Smarter City”. He shared the thinking about the application of city lighting, the platform of video monitoring management, the smart light pole, and the smart transportation.
Dr. Wei CHEN, General Manager of MS Technology, presented “Graphene technology for smart lighting and urban management”. He introduced graphene technology, ands hared its application practice in street lamps and headlights, and the thinking about its application in IoT.
Mr. Jack CHEN, Head of R&D, emerging Market, LEDVANCE, presented “Simplicity: Smart + lighting solution”. He shared the understanding of smart lighting, and the intelligent thinking and product strategy of LEDVANCE.
Mr. Jihui HONG, general manager of Xiamen Fcreate Energy Technology, presented “Collaborative innovation of smart lighting”. He shared the gain and loss during the implementation of smart city projects.
Mr. Yujie JIANG, Inventronics Technical Marketing Manager, presented “Smart LED Power Supply Solutions”. He shared the application and development space of LED power supply in the era of smart lighting and smart city.
The Co-Secretary General on behalf of the organizers expressed the appreciation to the speakers, moderator and participants. He made the following points:
- Through this Forum we knew who was who and what were we doing in the area of smart lighting and smart city as we were from different industries.
- Smart lighting and smart city was the general trend. We need to embrace this trend instead of escaping it.
- The ICT and lighting industry had its own strength respectively while making fusion in the intersection of smart lighting between them they should make its specialty better.
- The smart lighting had more connotation, big boundary and complicated eco-system which needed collective efforts of the two industries on the one hand and the challenge also provided a quite huge market place on the other hand.
Prof. Robert Karlicek, the chairman of this Forum made the following closing remarks:
-Smart lighting, edge computing, along with a variety of networking was just a start, we could see a lot of technical transformation and innovation, and the revolution had only just begun, by making full use of the solid state technology and advanced science and technology to create a better network, in which the global people could better communicate, have a better living environment, and a better work experience. He said that we had a good opportunity to work together to improve our living environment and surrounding environment, including light.