ISA-EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Mini/Micro-LEDs Technologies and Applications
“The ISA-EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Mini/Micro-LEDs Technologies and Applications” was held on 4 July, 2023 online, which was jointly organized by International SSL Alliance (ISA) and the European Optoelectronics Industry Association (EPIC).
More than 50 representatives from research institutes, universities and enterprises from China, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Ethiopia, Brazil, the United States, Australia attended the meeting.
The meeting was co-chaired by Prof. Qun YAN, Treasurer, Society for Information Display (SID), CEO, SID China, Distinguished Professor, Fuzhou University, China
Chairman of ISA Micro-LED Committee and Member of ISA Board of Advisors and Dr. Jeremy Picot-Clemente, Head of Optoelectronic Technology at EPIC.
Prof.Qun YAN and Dr. Jeremy Picot-Clemente made the welcome remarks respectively.
Eight experts in the field of Mini/Micro-LEDs from around the world shared their innovation achievements and application experience.
The participants actively interacted with the speakers by asking questions. The current hot issues of Mini/ micro-LEDs were discussed.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Jeremy Picot-Clemente thanked all the speakers and all the attendees. He said that judging from the content of today's meeting, we would have many challenges in the design and manufacturing process of Micro-LEDs in the next few years, and many interesting things would happen. He hoped EPIC and ISA would continue to hold such meetings and had more collaborations.
Prof. Qun YAN thanked EPIC for its support on behalf of ISA. He thanked the eight speakers at the meeting. He mentioned that the speech at today's meeting was of high quality and very welcome. He said that due to the limited time of the conference, he hoped that there would be more opportunities to hold similar online meetings in the future, so that speakers and participants could have more interactive discussions.
The closing remarks were made by Prof. Warren Julian, Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney, Australia, member of the ISA COM. He began by congratulating EPIC and ISA for jointly organizing the meeting. He believed that the content of today's meeting was new to everyone and reflects the complexity of measuring the optical physical properties of this very small new light source system. As today's meeting showed, light sources were getting smaller, making it more attractive and challenging to optical measure and metrology these fine, massive chip displays that would dominate in the future. He thanked the speaker and felt that the number of people who attended the meeting today had shown the interest in what was discussed.
Finally, the ISA Secretariat, on behalf of the organizers, thanked the two moderators and the eight guest speakers. He expressed the view that today's meeting was novel and informative and hoped that it would be helpful to the work of each participant. The Secretariat was ready to provide services for follow-up cooperation.
The meeting ended at 18:15 Beijing time.