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“Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement”

Terms of Reference & Rules of Procedure


The 4th ISA Executive meeting recommended the establishment of an award to recognize outstanding achievement by individuals or organizations to global SSL development.

The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding achievement by individuals or organizations to global SSL development.

The award will be made annually. The Council of Management (Council) reserves the right not to make an award in any year or to make more than one.

1. The Secretary General will make a call for nominations in February or March each year. This will be done as widely as  possible on the ISA website and to the technical press and to all members of the ISA.
2. The Council, the Board of Advisors and the Secretariat can make nominations. Each ISA Member organisation can make one nomination.
3. Nominees will be confidential and only awardees will be made public.
4. Nominees should have made an outstanding contribution (either over a sustained period or by a breakthrough) in the science and technology, standardisation, policy formulation, application, or industry of SSL development on a regional or global scale. The interpretation of each of the categories can be broad and is not intended to limit nominations.
5. Nominees may be individuals or organisations. Organisations can include state and private corporations, learned societies, governments, etc.
6. Nominations should include the name, contact details, brief introduction (Maximum 500 words) and a clear statement of the achievement on the contribution made (Maximum 1500 words). The statement will include appropriate supporting evidence.

The Secretariat will propose a judging panel of at least five people to the Council of Management for approval. The Council can also nominate judges. The size and composition of the judging panel will be decided by Council of Management. In the event that the Council cannot reach consensus on the proposed judging panel, a vote will be held and the opinion of two thirds of the members of the Council will prevail; any members of the Council who did not vote or did not submit vote within the required timeframe will be regarded as having agreed.
1. The judging panel can seek the advice of experts in considering the nominations.
2. Any member of the judging with a conflict of interest will declare it and will be disqualified from considering any affected nomination.
3. The Secretariat will compile the nominations and send the documentation and voting papers to each judge who will rate each nominee. The Secretariat will collect the score results and submit to the Council of Management. The Council of Management will decide the baseline of scores which decide the successful nominees being made in the year. In case the Council of Management cannot reach consensus, a vote will be held and the opinion of two thirds of the members who gave the valid voting of the Council will prevail, any members of the Council of Management did not vote or did not submit vote within the required timeframe will be regarded as agreed.
4. The Secretariat will keep records of the procedures of the judging panel and will prepare a confidential report to the Council on the nominations received, the judging process and any recommendation/s for award/s.
5. ISA can disqualify the awardee (s) anytime if :
   a. The nominator and/or nominee intentionally provided fake and/or false information
   b. The nominee conducted criminal activities under the law of his/her own country.

Categories of Awards
1. Award of Outstanding Achievement on SSL Science and Technology
2.  Award of Outstanding Achievement on SSL Standardization
3. Award of Outstanding Achievement on SSL Policy
4. Award of Outstanding Achievement on SSL Application
5. Award of Outstanding Achievement on SSL Industry

The award will be a framed certificate, and a specially designed object that will include award, the recipient’s name and date.

1. The award will be presented, preferably by the President of the ISA, at a special Award Ceremony, with ISA Council, members, other stakeholders and the media present.
2. The ISA will publicise the awardee (s).

A special donation is needed to support the preparation, publishing and award ceremony etc. expenses.

Agreed to by the Council of Management on: Jan 25th, 2013

Implementation: Secretary General, ISA
Review: Review after two cycles of the award