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Membership Benefits

Services Provided to International SSL Alliance (ISA) Members

1. ISA members shall participate in the meetings of the Technical Committee of Standardization (TCS) (currently chaired by Dr. Yoshi Ohno, former Chairman of the International Committee on Lighting (CIE)) and other related activities free of charge. The person in charge of semiconductor lighting standards of member companies may submit a standard proposal to TCS.ISA TCS was established in November 2011 to recommend TCS standards and specifications to relevant international standardization organizations (ISO/IEC/CIE) and national standardization authorities. ISA TCS, in conjunction with other relevant international and national standardization organizations, promotes the development and formulation of global and regional semiconductor lighting standards and promotes their application. By December 2021, ISA TCS had held 20 working meetings and issued 12 ISA TCS international standards. The ISA TCS has 25 working groups, mostly led by Chinese companies, to carry out its day-to-day work.

2. Members who pay dues on time will receive all industry documents formulated by ISA free of charge. At present, the industry documents developed by the Alliance include the following categories: for example, the global minimum Performance Specification for semiconductor lighting (2011); Global Semiconductor Lighting Strategy Research Program (Volume 9) (2012); Global Semiconductor Lighting Outlook (2013); White Paper on Ordinary Lighting LED and Blue Light (2014); Global semiconductor lighting industry report :(ISA global semiconductorLighting Industry Report and Market Trend Analysis (2014); "Semiconductor Lighting Strategy, Industry Development and Market Analysis in Emerging Countries" (2015-2016), "2017 Special Report 1: LiFi -- Catalyst for New LED Applications", "2017 Special Report 2: Semiconductor lighting application in plant growth ", "2018 global semiconductor lighting industry current situation and trend of the market," "2019 global semiconductor lighting project report - for people and the planet healthy lighting", "ISA global semiconductor lighting project report 2020 (first) - deep ultraviolet LEDs key technology and its application in the field of sterilization ", "2021 Gallium nitride Visible Light LED and pure LED Lighting Technology Progress".

3. Members can participate in the meeting of BRICS Working Group on Semiconductor Lighting Cooperation and obtain relevant materials for the meeting free of charge. The Alliance has contracted the Secretariat of the BRICS Working Group on Semiconductor Lighting Cooperation, opening up a new platform for international cooperation. The BRICS Semiconductor Lighting Cooperation Working Meeting is held regularly every year to invite officials and industry representatives from BRICS countries and other interested countries to exchange views on policy formulation, market information, latest technologies, products, new applications and business opportunities. By 2021, eight working group meetings had been held in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou, Xiamen and other places to promote cooperation between Chinese semiconductor lighting companies and BRICS countries through field visits, one-to-one exchanges, and small-scale consultations. Since 2020, due to the impact of the global pandemic, online meetings have been held.

4. Member units have priority to participate in the four annual awards and other preferential conditions.

(1) Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement (AOA), AOA was selected for the first time in 2013. Up to 2021, a total of 16 units or individuals have been selected globally. Such as Professor Shuji Nakamura, the United States Department of Energy, International Lighting Committee.

(2) The Global SSL Showcase TOP100 (TOP100) was selected for the first time in 2012. By 2020, a total of 105 outstanding and influential semiconductor lighting demonstration projects have been selected worldwide. The award has completed its historical mission and will not continue to be judged.

(3) As decided by the 12th meeting of the ISA Board (held in November 2020), the ISA "Global SSL Award of Innovations Top 100" (English: Global SSL Award of Innovations Top 100) has been established since 2021. Innovations TOP100) awards. The award aims to promote and promote the sustainable development of the global semiconductor lighting industry, showcase and encourage the technology, product, integration innovation and application of semiconductor lighting in the field of "beyond lighting", and promote the global semiconductor lighting into a new stage of development. In 2021, a total of 8 semiconductor lighting innovation projects were selected.

(4) As decided by the ISA Board at its 12th meeting (held in November 2020), the ISA "Outstanding Contribution Award to the Development of the Global Semiconductor Lighting Industry" (English: Global SSL Award of Industry Development Outstanding Contribution (IDOC). This award aims to promote the sustainable development of global semiconductor lighting by honoring the industrial organizations, project teams, industry leaders and institutions that have made outstanding contributions to promote the development of regional and global semiconductor lighting industry in a certain period or historical period. In 2021, 6 winners were selected.

5. Help member units to open overseas markets. Each year, the seminar and enterprise cooperation meeting are held in India, Russia, Brazil, Vietnam, Malaysia, South Africa, Austria, Rwanda and other emerging markets in turn, aiming to promote global semiconductor lighting enterprises and alliance members to open local markets and establish links with local suppliers. Since 2020, cooperation with various countries in the Middle East has been developed.

6. Members can participate in the ISA-ECC Smart Street Light System Professional Committee jointly established by ISA and China Edge Computing Alliance (ECC) free of charge. The committee invites elite members from the ICT industry to join the committee. Aims to combine to push edge computation technology, real-time communication, edge intelligence (all are urgently needed to solve the key technology of intelligent street lamp), etc.) and intelligent street lamp overall solution, the brics countries, developed countries in Europe and the asean countries, emerging economies, "area" all the way along the country such as the size of the application, and ensure the standards, the continuous construction of industry influence. At present, the members include Huawei, Osram, Isoftstone, Shanghai Saishi, Shenzhen Zhoming, Intel, Hua Pu Sun Life, Feile Audio, Infete, Fangda Intelligence Control, Shanxi Guangyu, Qingkong Optoelectronics, Landevans, overccking and other industry giants. Xinuofei also participated in the first stage as an observer. The committee has now met three times.

7. Members attend the ISA LiFi Committee free of charge. The committee was established in November 2018 and is chaired by Professor Harald Haas (father of LiFi) from the University of Edinburgh, UK. Professor Haas is also a member of the ISA Advisory Board. The committee aims to lead the research and development direction and application of optical communications worldwide; The latest achievements of visible light wireless communication technology and the progress of standardization such as IEEE 802.11bb are reported. Exchange of academic ideas, trends and research and development results; To promote the development and commercialization of visible light wireless communication technology through industry- university cooperation. The committee held its first meeting on January 26-27, 2021.

8. Members attend ISA Micro-LED Committee free of charge. Established in 2020, the committee aims to promote the development of the global micro-LED industry and form an industrial chain and a sound industrial ecology by promoting innovation and exchanging research and development results, promoting the upstream and downstream connection of the industry and displaying the latest applications. Professor Yan Qun is the chairman of the committee. Prof. Yan Qun is a professor of Fuzhou University, Secretary General of the International Society for Information Display (SID), and President of SID Beijing Branch. The first meeting of the committee, the ISA-EPIC/PIDA Mini/Micro LED Technology Online Conference, was held on March 25, 2021.

9. Members can participate in ISA LED Disease Control Working Group free of charge. The task Force was established in 2020 to promote the use of UV leds for mosquito eradication and surveillance, and to find cost-effective solutions. Professor Yan Qun is the chairman of the committee. Prof. Yan Qun is a professor of Fuzhou University, Secretary General of the International Society for Information Display (SID), and President of SID Beijing Branch. The first meeting of the Working group, the ISA LED Disease Prevention and Control Webinar, was held on 22 April 2021.

10. Members attend the Agri-Lighting Committee free of charge. Dr. Hua Guichao (Founder and Chairman of Infetel Electronics and Founder and Chairman of Siwei Ecology) and Professor Yang Qichang (Deputy Director, Secondary researcher and doctoral supervisor of Institute of Urban Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) will serve as co-chairmen of the Committee for a term of three years (from January 2022 to December 2024). The Commission will establish working groups as required (e.g. fisheries, planting seedlings, fruit trees, etc.); All units voluntarily apply for membership.In short, the International Semiconductor Lighting Alliance will provide platform services for members, expand their international influence and explore international cooperation channels through " prescribed actions". Through the "optional action", according to the needs of enterprises and the business characteristics of each enterprise, to provide customized services for enterprises, in different countries, regions, to carry out different activities.With China's semiconductor lighting industry from large to strong, production capacity from development, maturity to spillover, the international market is becoming the main battlefield of Chinese enterprises and the "blue ocean" mining ground, more and more members are expecting, eager to try, this is also the direction of the international Semiconductor Lighting Alliance and the focus of providing services.