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Mr. Isac Roizenblatt, Technical Director of Brazilian Lighting Industry Association (ABILUX) awarded
Release time: Dec 25, 2023

The Award Ceremony of International SSL Alliance (ISA) 2023“Global SSL Award of Industry Development Outstanding Contribution” (AOID) was held in the morning of Nov. 29, 2023, at Xiamen International Conference Center, Xiamen, China, during ISA General Assembly 2023.


The award of AOID has been selected for the third time since 2021, and a total of 14 individuals and organizations have been awarded so far.

Mr. Ruisheng Yue, Co-Secretary General of ISA moderated the ceremony and revealed the winners.

This year, a total of three SSL industry leaders were awarded.

Winner: Mr. Isac Roizenblatt, Technical Director of Brazilian Lighting Industry Association (ABILUX)


Mr. Ruisheng Yue introduced the following:

Isac Roizenblatt is founder and consultant of Pro Light and Energy Consultants company, technical director of the ABILUX - Brazilian Lighting Industry Association, member of the ISA Advisory Board, coordinator of the Brazilian Lighting Standardization TC 34 comprehending Electric light sources, Lamp caps and holders, Auxiliaries for lamps and Luminaires, official Division (6) member of  Photobiology and Photochemistry of CIE Brazil, coordinator of the Energy Efficiency Lighting Standards of COPANT - Pan American Standards Commission (CT152) and coordinator of SIMPOLED – Brazilian LED Lighting Symposium of ABILUX, representative of ABILUX at the Global Lighting Association and member of Illuminating Engineering Society.

Started in 1968 his professional career working for Philips Lighting in design, then in marketing, and product development in Brazil and in Latin America for 34 years, after which he opened his consultancy company in parallel of being technical director of Abilux and giving classes in two universities. He holds an Electrical Engineering degree, a degree in Business Administration, a master’s degree in Energy and Environment and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism.



Mr. Ruisheng Yue briefed the outstanding achievement of Mr. Isac Roizenblatt:

As a designer he produced lighting projects for Brazil, for most of the countries in Latin America such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico and a few projects around the world. He developed together with a colleague a new tubular fluorescent (T8) tube proper for the Brazilian energy net which was used all over the country and a new process to paint (T10, 8 foot) fluorescent lamp. In marketing he developed the introduction of new products in most of the Latin American countries.


He has been coordinating the Abilux Project Design Award and the Luminaire Design Award for many years and develops some technical material for the market, like for example UV equipment care during the pandemic.


An active representative member of Abilux in meetings of INMETRO the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology where specialists discuss the lighting regulations for the country, and of PROCEL – National Program of Energy Savings. He helped the Government with important solutions to diminish the country energy crisis of 2001/2002. From PROCEL he got a prize in 2010 for his contributions for the country.


He did research in lighting energy saving and quality of lighting on sidewalks of cities publishing papers on the subjects. Contributes to the lighting product disposal and improvement of environment in the meetings of the National Confederations of Industries with the Government to implement new legislation.


As a teacher since 2002 he has been giving lighting classes to more than twelve thousand students in specialization courses around the country. In the last ten years has supervised students in their master and doctor degrees and participated in some boards.


He is often invited to give lectures in several types of conferences.

As a volunteer he gave special lectures in public schools for a brief period.

Jury Comments

1.       Contribute to the lighting product treatment and environmental improvement.

2.       Supported not only Brazil Lighting Industry, but also extended his expertise to various Latin American countries. His work is specially appreciated as supported to other organizations.

3.       Isac Roizenblatt has made major contributions to the lighting industry in South America through a broad range of activities. Building upon a successful career in product development, his commitment to teaching, standards and international cooperation have been exemplary.

4.       Very impressive contributions to promote solid state lighting in Brazil.

5.       Main efforts in BRICS activities.

6.       Isac Roizenblatt is an outstanding regional leader of the lighting industry in Brazil and Latin America, head of the national association of manufacturers, developer, scientist and teacher.

Mr. Isac Roizenblatt delivered his acceptance speech via video recording at the ISA 2023 General Assembly.


He said it was his great pleasure and honor to receive this outstanding award 2023.

He thanked to Dr. Jianlin Cao and the people involved in the Award for including him among so many prominent people. This recognition meant a great deal to him and serves as a motivation to continue striving for excellence.

He also wanted to express his appreciation to everyone who had been and continuous being part of his journey. Today without collaboration, in this challenging time, it was difficult to achieve significant results.

He mentioned that ISA SSL was an outstanding association having an important role in the development of lighting, looking for and discussing what was the frontier of knowledge in the field, with renowned experts sharing their research and study in SSL technologies and applications, with countries all over the world. Abilux and Brazil learned a lot from ISA SSL activities and here in Brazil within limited resources we do some research, follow international standardizations, and apply what was new and good for people and environment.

Regarding sustainability, Mr. Isac Roizenblatt said that their country had, for the last few years, been applying only solid-state lighting sources, including automation as part of the concern with people's well-being and health. They also had a clear position in COP5 in favor of a rapid phasing out of mercury lamps.   

We would like to congratulate Mr. Isac Roizenblatt awarded this award and thanked him for his outstanding contribution to the global SSL industry.

Global SSL Award for Outstanding Industry Development

● Accept excellent applications

● Judged by authoritative experts

● Worldwide circulation and promotion

● Manifest outstanding leadership

Interested enterprises, organizations, research institutes and business leaders in the field of SSL are encouraged to apply this award in 2024,so as to share experience and insights with the aim to  promote SSL into a new period of development.