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The Report of the Award Ceremony of ISA “Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement” (AOA) 2023
Release time: Dec 20, 2023

The award ceremony of the ISA “Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement” (AOA) was held in the afternoon of Nov. 28, 2023 during the opening session of the 9th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and the 20th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting (IFWS & SSLCHINA 2023) at Shenzhen Exhibition Center, China.


Prof. Warren Julian, Emeritus Professor of University of Sydney, Australia, former President of IIIuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand (IESANZ) , Member of ISA Council of Management moderated the award ceremony and revealed the laureates of AOA 2023.


He announced that the first laureate of the 2023 AOA was Professor Andras Poppe, head of the Department of Electron Devices at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in Hungary.


Prof. Warren Julian, introduced the following:

In 1989-1990, Prof. András Poppe was a guest researcher at IMEC (Leuven, Belgium). In 1997 he was one of the co-founders of MicReD (now pat of SIEMENS). His research field is multi-domain characterization (testing, modelling & simulation) of semiconductor devices, with special attention to SSL LEDs.
He was involved in dozens of national and international collaborative research projects (such EU projects Fast2Light, NANOPACK, THERMINATOR, NANOTHERM, 
Delphi4LED) projects; currently he leads the modelling work package of the AI-TWILIGHT project). He is actively involved in the JEDEC JC15 and CIE TC2-91 standardization committees.

Prof. Warren Julian, briefed the outstanding achievement of Prof. András Poppe:

1. Prof. András Poppe was a world-wide acknowledged expert in thermal engineering, specialized in thermal issues of power LEDs. He had expertise both in physical testing (thermal, optical) and in modelling & simulation of LED packages. He initiated the concept of a laboratory test setup capably of measuring the thermal, electrical and light-output characteristics of LED packages and through his former spin-off company introduced this solution to the market.

2. András Poppe started dealing with LED characterization 2003. He initiated the development of the first, combined thermal and radiometric/photometric testing solution of LEDs, resulting in the launch of a commercial product in 2005, known as the TeraLED equipment, an extension of the T3Ster equipment, allowing consistent measurement of the electrical, thermal and light output characteristics of LED packages This solution became a technical and commercial success, being used by the leading companies and development laboratories of the SSL industry world-wide; combined with modelling and simulation winning the LEDs Magazine 2015 Saphire Award in the category of SSL tools and test.

3. His 2012 publication on multi-domain modelling of LEDs was a milestone in creating Spice-like models of power LEDs, capable of describing the electrical, thermal and light-output properties and their mutual dependence in a consistent way in industry standard simulation environments, such as a Spice-like circuit simulator.

4. Besides being an active member of the JEDEC JC15 committee on thermal standards of packaged semiconductor devices, with his thermal expertise, especially on thermal management of LED applications he also contributed to the work of various technical committees of Division 2 of CIE, co-authoring four CIE technical reports on optical measurements of LEDs.

Since Professor Andras Poppe was not able to presented in site, he entrusted Professor Istvan Barsony, Centre for Energy Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Pannonia, Hungary Former Director of Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science – MFA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Member of ISA Board of Advisors, to receive this honor.

Dr. Cao Jianlin, President of ISA, presented the medal and certificate to Professor Istvan Barsony.


Professor Andras Poppe gave his acceptance speech in the recorded video.


He said it was his great pleasure and honor to receive this outstanding award.

He mentioned that a successful field of research at his department was to deal with thermal issues of semiconductor devices, including nowadays LEDs aimed for lighting. They had more than thirty years of experience in this domain, that resulted in setting up and launching a spin-off company that became widely known as MICRED, continuing their activities now as part of SIEMENS, hin being one of the co-founders of this business. As a result of the joint efforts of the university department and MICRED, they were the first to propose, develop and implement a combined thermal and radiometric and photometric testing solution for LED packages, that also turned out to be a commercial success, being introduced world-wide to SSL R&D laboratories, also here, in Xiamen. The solution they developed became a de facto industry standard for the thermal characterization of LED packages and the thermal test procedure they proposed, also became an industry standard published by JEDEC.

He said this was the basis of obtaining consistent measurement data, the so called iso-thermal electrical, thermal and light-output characteristics, that could be well modelled by multi-domain compact models of LEDs. Development of such LED models into actual multi-domain Digital Twins of LEDs was pursued in a wide international collaboration with the help of the Delphi4LED research project of the European Union, that they continue now in another international research consortium called AI-TWILIGHT, with the aim of extending the LED models with ageing. The benefits of such multi-domain digital twins of LEDs was the faster and cheaper product development. This, through virtual prototyping, yields more reliable LED-based products.

At last, he was grateful to ISA and the outstanding achievement awards jury comprised of distinguished scientists of the international lighting community for considering him for this award. He thought, this award was also a recognition of the work of his young, very talented colleagues in his research team in Budapest, who, as he was convinced, would be capable of pursuing the development of multi-domain testing and modelling of LEDs to the next level.

Juries’ Comments to Professor Andras Poppe:

1.      An outstanding achievement over a sustained period of both individual discovery and joint research that has led to internationally accepted models, techniques and standards relating to SSL products.

2.      Impressive academic record. Heavily involved in LED testing packages including thermal modelling as well as radiative properties. Contributed to a large number of projects and models.

3.      The candidate is a world leader in thermal management of LED devices and systems. His theoretic models and novel experimental setup have been widely adopted by global leading LED companies and research institutions. His effort and achievements are essential for future development of LED technologies and applications.

4.      Prof. Poppe has been making excellent contribution to better thermal solutions of LED components and systems, which will be essential for future LED technologies and applications.

Prof. Warren Julian then revealed that the second laureate International Energy Agency’s Implementing Agreement on Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment, Solid State Lighting Annex (IEA 4E SSL Annex).


Prof. Warren Julian introduced that the International Energy Agency implementing agreement on Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment (IEA 4E) was created by thirteen countries in 2008 to provide support to member governments on policies that encourage production and trade in energy-efficient end-use equipment. The Solid-State Lighting Annex (SSL Annex) was established under the IEA 4E in 2010 and is one of its main collaborative research and development activities.

The SSL Annex supports countries seeking to implement quality assurance programs in lighting. Founded by the governments of Australia, Denmark, France, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK and USA, with China working as an expert member, the SSL Annex supports activities at the national level. It addresses some of the key challenges with SSL and provides expert information on lighting to policy makers. 

Prof. Warren Julian briefed the outstanding achievement of IEA 4E SSL Annex:

I. SSL testing, metrics and standards – the SSL Annex works to support the lighting metrology community and improve the comparability and accuracy of LED product testing. The SSL Annex has completed two of the world’s largest interlaboratory comparisons, IC 2013 for LED lamp measurements with over 110 participants and IC 2017 for goniophotometers with over 40 instruments from around the world. The SSL Annex is now working on IC 2023 which focuses on temporal light modulation (TLM) measurements.

II. Smart lighting, digitalisation and connectivity – smart lighting systems including wireless communication and intelligent controls are the future. The SSL Annex has monitored energy use and highlighted the issue of energy consumption when the lamp is not in use. The SSL Annex published two reports, one in 2016 and a second in 2022 which evaluate hundreds of lighting products and demonstrate the opportunity for energy savings while maintaining communication protocols and end-user focused features.

II. Smart lighting, digitalisation and connectivity – smart lighting systems including wireless communication and intelligent controls are the future. The SSL Annex has monitored energy use and highlighted the issue of energy consumption when the lamp is not in use. The SSL Annex published two reports, one in 2016 and a second in 2022 which evaluate hundreds of lighting products and demonstrate the opportunity for energy savings while maintaining communication protocols and end-user focused features.

IV. SSL product quality and performance – for over 10 years, the SSL Annex has developed and published quality and performance recommendations, promoting global harmonisation. The current version was published in 2022, covering the most common LED lamps and luminaires. It offers requirements that are future-oriented, covering efficacy, light quality, power quality, lifetime and more. Other recent contributions by the SSL Annex include research into accelerated lifetime test methods that is now being used in the EU and elsewhere today, as well as a subject study to help establish safe limits on temporal light modulation.

Since the representative of IEA 4E SSL Annex was not able to presented in site, Dr. Yoshi Ohno, NIST Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, Chairman of ISA TCS, Member of ISA Board of Advisors, Past President of CIE, to receive this honor on behalf of IEA 4E SSL Annex.

Madam Ling Wu, Member of ISA Council of Management, President of China Advanced Semiconductor Industry Innovation Alliance (CASA), presented the medal and certificate to Dr. Yoshi Ohno.


Prof. Georges ZISSIS, Chairman of the IEA 4E SSL Annex, Chair of IEEE Smart Lighting Initiative, Full Professor and Vice-Rector of Toulouse 3 University (France), Member of ISA Board of Advisors representative SSL Annex gave his acceptance speech in the recorded video.


He first sent his sincere greetings to everyone in the scene who might see this video!

Prof. Georges ZISSIS said he would like to express their deep and sincere gratitude to the International Solid State Lighting Alliance (ISA), including its Leadership Team, Secretariat and Members for bestowing on them this great honor.

Prof. Georges ZISSIS mentioned that when speaking about the SSL Annex, he always loved to say that they were founded in 2010 on one key principle:  If they worked together and shared resources, they could address difficult problems more easily and achieve better outcomes.  All their work was overseen by a group of government representatives from each member country who reviewed, approved and provided strategic direction on their work. Under the Management Committee were a team of Experts. These experts were lighting researchers and technical experts from around the world, covering design, health, standards, testing, marketing, sales, and policy development.

Principally, their work cut across four important themes:

·         Testing, Metrics and Standards;

·         Smart Lighting, Digitalisation and Connectivity;

·         Public Health, Productivity and Environmental Impacts; and

·         Product Quality and Performance.

He introduced that they actively engage with stakeholders across the global lighting community and communicate their findings as widely as possible. Over the last thirteen years, the SSL Annex had participated in over 40 public speaking engagements at conferences, meetings and seminars. They had also issued over 50 publications, including reports, peer-reviewed papers, presentations and more. This focused on outreach and engagement had helped to ensure their findings and recommendations were shared as widely as possible.

At last, Prof. Georges ZISSIS expressed their sincere and heart-felt gratitude to Dr. Jianlin Cao, ISA and everyone joining today. As they would launch their new term of the SSL Annex from 2024 to 2029, they looked forward to engaging and working with us to support the continued growth and development of the global SSL market.

Juries’ Comments to IEA 4E SSL Annex:

1.      An outstanding achievement over a sustained period of both individual discovery and joint research that has led to internationally accepted models, techniques and standards relating to SSL products.

2.      Impressive academic record. Heavily involved in LED testing packages including thermal modelling as well as radiative properties. Contributed to a large number of projects and models.

3.      The candidate is a world leader in thermal management of LED devices and systems. His theoretic models and novel experimental setup have been widely adopted by global leading LED companies and research institutions. His effort and achievements are essential for future development of LED technologies and applications.

4.      Prof. Poppe has been making excellent contribution to better thermal solutions of LED components and systems, which will be essential for future LED technologies and applications.

On behalf of all participants, Prof. Warren Julian congratulated Professor Andras Poppe and the IEA 4E SSL Annex on receiving this award.

ISA “Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement” (AOA) was established in 2013. The award aims to reward and recognize individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the global SSL industry, especially those who have made outstanding achievements in the fields of technological innovation, industrial development, standard setting, policy implementation, and product application.

ISA “Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement” is the highest award in the field of SSL worldwide. Since its start, Professor Shuji Nakamura of University of California and Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Academician Jiang Fengyi of China, Ms. Wu Ling of China, inventors of Yellow LED, Red LED, and OLED, Aixtron, Professor Harald Haas of University of Cambridge, UK, Signify, Commission Internationale de lEclairage (CIE), the Department of Energy (DOE) of America, Prof. Warren Julian, Emeritus Professor of the University of Sydney, Osram, etc. received the award.

ISA “Global SSL Award of Outstanding Achievement” this year is the 11th selection. To date, a total of 14 individuals, 5 enterprises, 1 international organization, 1 government agency and 2 SSL projects of United Nations agencies have received this honor.

The award of AOA

-          Accepts nominations for excellence around the world;

-          Judged by worldwide authoritative experts;

-          Widely promoted with global impacts;

-          Remember the achievements and manifest the contributions.

The selection of the award AOA is carried out every year, and colleagues in the global SSL industry are welcome to recommend candidates.
