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Board of Advisors

Prof. Guoqi Zhang

Dr. G.Q. Zhang is IEEE Fellow, chair professor for "Micro/Nanoelectronics System Integration and Reliability" of Delft University of Technology. He authored/co-authored more than 300 scientific publications; chaired /co-chaired several international conferences; serves as associated editor for 3 international journals and chief editor for Springer book series "SSL Technology and Applications". He serves as deputy director of European Center for Micro- and Nanoreliability (EUCEMAN); co-chair of Advisory Board of International Solid State Lighting Alliance (ISA); secretary general of ITRW (International Technology Roadmap of Wide band gap semiconductors).? He chaired the Eniac Strategic Research Agenda team of “More than Moore”; served as co-chair of academic council of Dutch national innovation program on “Micro/nanoelectronics and embedded system”.

Prof. Zhang has also worked for NXP Semiconductors as Senior Director of Technology Strategy, Philips Research Fellow until May 2013. He has published over 140 papers and monographs. He has given invited presentations and lectures in 16 countries and regions.